Logo I did for a project of mine in high school in 2010. The project consisted of me and a friend. We wanted to make an amalgamation of stoner doom metal along the lines of Electric Wizard and electronic music, using only computers. We made three songs for our EP, entitled Netherthrone.
The image above was my final drawing. It was sketched with pencil, the skull and the crown being separate at that time. Then it was inked with black marker and coloured on a computer, where the crown was also "attached" to the skull.
The image above was the initial quick sketch for the logo. I can't remember if it was my friend or I who did the sketch, but it was made on a computer.
Below is the final cover for the Netherthrone EP. My friend, the other half of Monarch, made the cover. He used my drawing and made a stencil, with which he cut out a pumpkin during Halloween, then took a picture and shopped in the MONARCH text in the bottom. The original drawing was instead used for the back cover, though we never got around to having it printed. Would anyone actually care enough to buy it anyway? Hahaha!
Should I have piqued your interest, two of the three songs can be heard on YouTube. The last track, Happy Ending, is 18 minutes in length and thus never uploaded, though it's nestled safely on my harddrive somewhere.